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The Humanities Program offers interdisciplinary courses in history, philosophy, and literature, with a focus on major aspects of the Western humanistic tradition. In these courses, students examine the development of a wide variety of ideas and forms of expression that exert a major influence on modern America. Through lectures and class discussions, and through the writing of essays, students learn to interpret literary, historical, and philosophical texts and to conduct independent critical assessment of documents and ideas.

The five-course sequence meets the humanities and writing requirement of Revelle College. Instruction in university-level writing is part of all five courses, but students in Humanities 1 and 2 (six units each) receive intensive writing instruction.

Students must have satisfied the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement before registering for the Humanities sequence. Humanities 1 and 2 must be taken before Humanities 3-4-5 (four units each).

For detailed description of the Revelle College humanities requirement, see Revelle College, General-Education Requirements, Humanities, in the UCSD General Catalog.

Humanities Program Learning Objectives

The Humanities Program prepares students to:

1. Understand the ways that core texts from the Western tradition have shaped the ideas, concepts, and beliefs that underpin not only Western societies, but also an emerging global culture.

2. Engage with multiple perspectives and diverse ideas in order to ask meaningful questions relating to the human experience and the world.

3. Develop critical reading strategies to analyze and respond to complex texts from different time periods and genres by considering, among other things, their argument and rhetorical strategies, their use of evidence, and their relationship with other texts.

4. Develop an understanding of how texts contain, critique, and challenge accepted beliefs and ways of thinking.

5. Express ideas in writing effectively, attending to the demands of different audiences in a range of contexts and genres.

6. Formulate an analytical argument that advances a clear claim based upon textual evidence.

7. Approach writing as an iterative process that includes discussion, feedback, collaboration, and revision.

8. Refine writing and communication skills—including developing an effective writing process and individual voice—that are transferable to academic and professional environments beyond the Humanities Program.

9. Understand and adhere to UC San Diego standards of academic integrity, which includes producing their own original work.

10. Develop effective communication skills to engage in constructive dialogue and collaborative learning with peers, enhancing the ability to articulate ideas, ask questions, and actively listen to others.

Teaching Assistant Recruitment

UCSD grad students can apply through the IA system and notify us through email. Non-students, please send a writing sample and CV.


Contact Us

Galbraith Hall 180

Business Hours
Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm
Please make an appointment.
Current students, please submit a VAC.

Mailing Address:
UC San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
Humanities 0306
La Jolla, CA 92093-0306